Space Marines - 1985-1988

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This section of the guide covers 1985 to the 1988 catalogue.

It is common for figures to be renamed in this period. Where a figure appears in the 1988 or later catalogues, this is shown in the figure description.

September 1985 Flyer - Final Chance!

This is the earliest known reference to this miniature, though the flyer implies that the figure had been on sale previously.

August 1986 Flyer - C100 Imperial Marines

September 1987 Thankyou Mister President Flyer - RT01 Space Marines

1987 White Dwarf 93 - RTB01 Imperial Space Marines

1987 White Dwarf 95 - Dreadnought Armour

The folks making the 1988 Catalogue evidently got their left and right confused. The Left Single Bolter Arm did not appear in the 1991 Catalogue.

Winter 1987 Mail Order Flyer - RTLE Spaced-Out Marines